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what is cardistry?

So what is cardistry? The term "cardistry" is a relatively new word. It's a merging of the words: cards + artistry. Cardistry. Over the years, the art form has had many terms come and go. The first term I had heard of was "XCM" or "Extreme Card Manipulation". This term was created by a guy who goes by the name De'vo and is one of the pioneers of the art form. Next, the term "card flourishing" took hold. It was the most straight forward term if you ask me. Finally, we arrive at "cardistry": the art of manipulating ordinary playing cards in unique and artistic ways.


It's something you just have to see to fully understand. With that, here's a short compilation of some of my favorite moves: 

Also, check out some of my cardistry related products I've made in the past!

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